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Basic data

developer Benjamin Otte, David Schleef, Eric Anholt
Current  version 0.8.4
(December 21, 2008)
operating system Unixoids
category Media player
License LGPL ( Free Software )
German speaking Yes

Swfdec (pronounced “swiff deck”) is free playback software for the Adobe Flash format (SWF) under Unix systems, which was published under the LGPL software license .

Features from SWF version 7 and ActionScript are supported, as well as some of the video features of the Flash 9 Player. The software is in an early development phase and cannot yet be used as a full replacement for Adobe Flashplayer. It is already possible to play Flash videos (e.g. from the portals Youtube , DailyMotion, Yahoo, CNN, AOL etc.). A blog entry by the main developer indicates that development has now been discontinued, and there has not been a newer version since December 2008 (as of December 2014).


The software consists of a program library for which there is an expansion module for Mozilla browsers (and those with compatible plug-in architecture) and a separate playback program for the GNOME desktop as a surface. It uses the Cairo graphics library for rendering and PulseAudio , OSS , or ALSA for audio playback.

  • Swfdec can be compiled for different system architectures and thus enables native support for 64-bit systems, for example
  • Swfdec is based on the multimedia framework GStreamer and thus has audio backends for e.g. B. OSS and ALSA


Debian GNU / Linux 5.0 (Lenny) uses Swfdec by default as the Flash plug-in for Iceweasel . Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) already offers Swfdec in the installation assistant for missing Firefox plugins. With Fedora 9, too , Swfdec is offered as a replacement for proprietary solutions. Ubuntu version 9.10 and higher still has it installed in the repository, but no longer installed by default.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. List of developers
  2. ↑ The developer's blog entry