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SynthAxe (1986)

The SynthAxe is an electronic musical instrument that was built by various manufacturers until the early 1990s. The structure of the instrument corresponds to that of a normal guitar , in addition the SynthAxe has six trigger strings and buttons. In contrast to the electric guitar, you could use the instrument to generate digitally usable music, i.e. midi signals that are similar to those of a keyboard .

The musician David Foster was one of the first to use a SynthAxe in the song Playing with Fire on his album David Foster (1986). Well-known users of the instrument are Al Di Meola , Lee Ritenour and Roy Wooten. Wooten used a modified version to control various drum machines. In particular Allan Holdsworth used the Synthaxe on the albums Atavachron , Sand and Secrets .

The selling prices of the Synthaxe were high because of the rather small numbers, so that the production of the instruments was stopped at the end. The musician Allan Holdsworth gave an estimate of about 1,000 still existing Synthaxes worldwide.

Structure of the SynthAxe

Like a guitar, the SynthAxe has a guitar neck with six strings. In addition, there are six trigger strings attached to the body, which can be played with the right hand. As with a guitar, the tone is struck here. In addition, six trigger buttons can also be attached to the instrument body. The use of the sound can be changed with the trigger buttons.


As with a normal guitar, the pitch is determined on the neck of the instrument by grasping the strings . These are pressed onto the electrically conductive frets , whereby a signal is sent to the instrument, which converts the length of the tapped strings into the corresponding pitch. The trigger strings on the body are played with the right hand and their vibrations are registered via hall sensors . Striking or attenuating the trigger string generates the start signal for the tone processing, the tone lengths and the amplitude (volume) of the tone. The SynthAxe compiles the sound information from the two pieces of information from the strings and the trigger strings. This output signal can be fed directly into a synthesizer as a midi signal. Only there is an audible sound generated and passed on to an amplifier.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Holdsworth interview with