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Téléfrançais (German for example: telefrench or television French ) is a successful Canadian television series for children to learn the French language , which was launched from 1984 to 1986 by TVOntario (TVO). The 30-part series is primarily aimed at English-speaking students learning French in primary school . It is a popular learning aid for educators in Canada and the USA.

The show tells the adventures of two children, Jacques (Jacques Dell) and Sophie (Colombe Demers) and an anthropomorphic pineapple called "Ananas" (René Lemieux). The episodes were directed by Jennifer Harvey and directed by David Moore.

The theme song is a catchy song that begins with the words: Téléfrançais! Téléfrançais! Bonjour! Allô! Salute! / Téléfrançais! Téléfrançais! Lisez! Parlez avec nous! ( Eng . Téléfrançais! Téléfrançais! Good afternoon! Hello! Greetings! Téléfrançais! Téléfrançais! Read! Talk to us! ).

The individual episodes are each ten minutes long. They are available on YouTube.

In the first episode, Jacques and Sophie get to know the extraordinary pineapple, a pineapple that can talk! The rock band Les Squelettes (The Skeletons) introduces themselves in a song, and a pilot offers to take them all for a parachute jump - although Pineapple is the only volunteer.

See also

References and footnotes

  1. Text and video of the song (French)
  2. Téléfrancais! - Episode 1

Web links