TPE buffer

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TPE buffer ( Tris-Phosphate-EDTA-Buffer ) is an electrophoresis buffer which is used in biochemistry and molecular biology in the course of agarose gel electrophoresis to separate nucleic acids such as DNA or RNA .


The TPE buffer is composed of TRIS (89 mM ), phosphoric acid (1.3% m / V) and EDTA (2 mM). Alternatively used buffers are the TAE buffer , the TBE buffer , the SB buffer and the lithium borate buffer . TPE buffer has a higher buffer capacity than TAE buffer, ie the electrophoresis can run longer without changing the pH value . With large DNA molecules it produces better separation than TAE buffer, while with small DNA molecules it results in poorer separation.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lela Buckingham: Molecular Diagnostics. FA Davis, 2011, ISBN 978-0-803-62975-2 . P. 95.
  2. ^ A b Anil Kumar: Genetic Engineering. Nova Publishers, 2005, ISBN 978-1-594-54753-9 , p. 91.
  3. Kurt Weising: DNA Fingerprinting in Plants. CRC Press, 2005, ISBN 978-1-420-04004-3 , p. 116.