Tabaré Perlas

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Tabaré del Hum Perlas Fontana (born February 15, 1972 in Montevideo , Uruguay ) is a Uruguayan-German conductor and cultural manager. Since 2008 he has been a board member of the Daniel Barenboim Foundation . This is the sole shareholder of the Barenboim-Said-Akademie in Berlin and finances, coordinates or cooperates with a number of sister organizations, such as B. the Barenboim-Said Music Center in Ramallah (Palestine), the West-Eastern Divan Trust UK and the Barenboim-Said Foundation in New York. In particular, however, the Daniel Barenboim Foundation is the operator of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra .


Perlas has had German citizenship in addition to Uruguayan since 2009.

In 1991 he began studying musicology at the University of Montevideo . In 1992 he first moved to the Meistersinger Conservatory in Nuremberg , and later to the Liszt School of Music Weimar , where he graduated in orchestral conducting in 1999. His work in the context of the European Capital of Culture Weimar as project supervisor for the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra brought him together with Daniel Barenboim in 1999 .

The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra became a success story that continues today. Young musicians from Israel, Palestine and the neighboring countries of the Middle East come together here for joint workshops and subsequent tours, which the orchestra regularly performs in the most famous concert halls and festivals in the world.

In addition to his work for the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, Perlas was responsible for international tours in the concert management of the Berlin State Opera between 2001 and 2007 .

Barenboim, General Music Director of the State Opera since 1992, took advantage of an offer from the then Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit in 2010 to found a permanent establishment in the spirit of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra in the former warehouse building of the State Opera and asked Perlas to coordinate the implementation of this idea. This soon resulted in a cooperation with the architect Frank Gehry and the acoustician Yasuhisa Toyota , who provided their services pro bono . Together they created a concert hall with around 680 seats based on Pierre Boulez 'concept of the “salle modulable”, which has caused an international sensation due to its bold design language, the unusual versatility of stage and auditorium and its outstanding sound. The Pierre-Boulez-Saal is part of a music academy that trains musicians from the countries of the Middle East and Israel to become professional orchestral musicians, but also provides them with an education in the humanities and social sciences in the spirit of Divan co-founder Edward Said .

In 2012, the Barenboim Said Academy was spun off as a non-profit company . The former Minister of State for Culture Michael Naumann became the founding managing director . This project was financed by a combination of federal grants and substantial private donations amounting to 18 million euros, which the Daniel Barenboim Foundation was able to raise in a short time .

The structure was constructed between 2014 and 2016. After the state recognition as a music college, teaching began in October 2016. The Pierre Boulez Hall opened in Berlin in March 2017 .

In addition to his full-time duties, Perlas appears as a conductor with various national and international orchestras, such as the Staatskapelle Halle , the State Philharmonic of Rhineland-Palatinate and the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra .

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