Takahashi Oden

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Takahashi Oden

Takahashi Oden ( Japanese 高橋 お 伝 ; born around 1851 in the province of Kōzuke ; died January 31, 1879 in Tōkyō ) was called “Meiji no dokufu” (明治 の 毒 婦) - something like “Evil Woman of the Meiji Period ” - because of her poor lifestyle .

Live and act

Takahashi Oden was the daughter of Takahashi Kanzaemon (高橋 勘 左衛 門). Her actual father is said to have been Hirose Hanzaemon (広 瀬 半 左衛 門), an area administrator of the area. Since her youth, Oden was known for her beauty and independence. Her criminal life began when her husband fell ill with leprosy . When treatment for the disease began to cost money and eventually turned out to be incurable, she poisoned her husband and began a rampant life as a prostitute, thief, and murderess.

In 1876, Oden was arrested after cutting the throat of a used clothing dealer in Asakusa, Gotō Kichizō (後 藤 吉 蔵), from whom she had borrowed money. She was arrested, sentenced to death after a long trial, and beheaded in Ichigaya Prison. It was the first woman in the Meiji period whose life ended like this.

Oden's way of life filled the newspapers. Popular author Kanagaki Robun wrote a zesty novella in 1879 based on her life, "Takahashi Onden yasha monogatari" (高橋 阿 伝 夜叉 譚). Kawatake Mokuami adapted the novella for a Kabuki piece.

Takahashi Oden found her final resting place in the Yanaka cemetery in Tokyo.

Works on Takahashi Oden

In 1879 the author Kanagaki Robun published the novella Takahashi Onden yasha monogatari ( Japanese 高橋 阿 伝 夜叉 譚 ), which is based on the life of Takahashi Oden . Kawatake Mokuami adapted the novella for a Kabuki piece.

Kobayashi Kiyochika made a portrait of her.

Her life has been filmed several times:


  1. Drawn by Kobayashi Kiyochika .
  2. Today Gumma Prefecture .


  • S. Noma (Ed.): Takahashi Oden . In: Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993. ISBN 4-06-205938-X , p. 1507.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The information in the literature varies:
    • 1850 in デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + plus
    • 1850 in 朝日 日本 歴 史 人物 事 典
    • 1851 in デ ジ タ ル 大 辞 泉
    • 1851 in 日本 大 百科全書 (ニ ッ ポ ニ カ)
    • 1851 in Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993.
    • 1852 in ブ リ タ ニ カ 国際 大 百科 事 典 小 項目 事 典
    • ? in 世界 大 百科 事 典 第 2 版
  2. 高橋 お 伝 in the "朝日 日本 歴 史 人物 事 典"
  3. a b c d 高橋 お 伝 in the "日本 大 百科全書 (ニ ッ ポ ニ カ)"
  4. a b c Takahashi Oden . In: Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993.
  5. Memorial 6134447 Description on findagrave.com. Accessed July 27, 2020. (english)
  6. Takahashi Onden yasha monogatari description on hathitrust.org. Retrieved July 27, 2020. (English)
  7. Takahashi Oden - Zempen in the IMDb . Retrieved July 27, 2020. (English)
  8. Takahashi Oden - Kôhen in the IMDb . Retrieved July 27, 2020. (English)
  9. Takahashi Oden in the IMDb . Retrieved July 27, 2020.
  10. Dokufu Takahashi Oden in the IMDb . Retrieved July 27, 2020. (English)
  11. Koyamu in the IMDb . Retrieved July 27, 2020. (English)