Rego do Milho dam

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Rego do Milho dam
Tributaries: Ribeiro do Milho
Drain: Ribeiro do Milho
Rego do Milho dam (Portugal)
Rego do Milho dam
Coordinates 41 ° 50 '26 "  N , 7 ° 29' 8"  W Coordinates: 41 ° 50 '26 "  N , 7 ° 29' 8"  W.
Data on the structure
Construction time: until 2005
Height of the structure crown: 457 m
Building volume: 260,000 m³
Crown length: 349 m
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 455 m
Water surface 0.184 km²dep1
Total storage space : 1.88 million m³

The Rego do Milho dam ( Portuguese Barragem de Rego do Milho ) is located in the northern region of Portugal in the Vila Real district . It dams the Ribeiro do Milho to a reservoir. The municipality of Calvão is about six kilometers southwest of the dam.

The dam was completed in 2005. It is used for irrigation. The dam is owned by DRATM .

Barrier structure

The barrier structure consists of a dam . The top of the dam is at a height of 457 m above sea level . The length of the dam crest is 349 m. The volume of the dam is 260,000 m³.

The dam has both a bottom outlet and a flood relief . A maximum of 4 m³ / s can be discharged via the flood relief.


With a normal storage target of 455 m (maximum 455.5 m at high water), the reservoir extends over an area of ​​around 0.184 km² and holds 1.88 million m³ of water.

See also


  1. APA states Bragança as the district, which is an error.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d BARRAGEM DE REGO DO MILHO. APA Barragens de Portugal, accessed January 24, 2015 (Portuguese).