Franz Diederich

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Franz Diederich

Franz Diederich (born April 2, 1865 in Hanover , † February 28, 1921 in Stahnsdorf ) was a German editor , writer and poet . He also published under the pseudonym Franz Hagen . His endeavor was the cultural awakening and deepening of the socialist movement.



The son of a Hanoverian telegraph secretary studied natural science and ethnography in Jena and Leipzig. His father broke up with him when he joined social democracy around 1885. His commitment to socialism cost him not only his parents' home, but also his position as editor at the Brockhaus Lexicon.


In 1891 he became political editor of the Dortmund “Arbeiterzeitung”. Press violations earned him 18 months in prison. The police once led him from his desk to the prison like a criminal in shackles, and another time they seized almost all of his home furnishings. He came to the “Bremer Bürgerzeitung” in 1896. He felt at home in the Goethe Society. Friedrich Ebert , Heinrich Schulz and Pastor Kalthoff were his friends. As a student, Diederich had already discovered the beauty of the moorland and heathland, which he described in the volumes of poetry "Worpsweder Moods" and "Die weite Heide".

In 1903 he switched from the political to the feature section of the “Sächsische Arbeiterzeitung” in Dresden. He gained a great reputation as a columnist, theater critic and popular educator. During this time he worked with Avenarius in the Dürerbund. He promoted young talents from the socialist working-class youth, such as B. the poets Robert Grötzsch , Edgar Hahnewald , Max Barthel and Arthur Zickler . His volume of poetry "Die Hämmer drhnen" was published in Dresden.

In 1911 he wrote the anthology of liberal and social poetry of all peoples "From below" in which the translation "The International" is from him. He also wrote the literary study “Holderlin and his song of fate”. His selection volume by the Berlin Vormärz satirist Adolf Glaßbrenner was called “Under the Burning Glass”.

In 1913 he was supposed to take over the management of a planned socialist family magazine in Berlin, but the outbreak of the First World War ruined the plan. He looked for another job and became an editor at Vorwärts-Verlag and gave, among other things, “The Scourge of the Tsars”, “Hearts in War”, “Criminal Stories”, “We Weave! We weave! ”(Heine's political poems) and the Goethe edition by Vorwärts-Verlag. The poem "War Drum", forbidden by the police, was in his collection of his own battle poems from 1914 to 1916, with the title "War Seed".

In 1916, because of differences of opinion about the social democratic war policy, the “Vorwärts” editorial team split up and Heinrich Ströbel, Leid and others left, and Diederich took over as political editor. But he soon switched back to the features section, wrote historical essays and literary essays, worked in the film testing department in the Central Education Committee and in the Free People's Stage. He published the book “Geschichtliche Tat, sheets and sketches from the writings of Karl Marx” and a “Lassalle Breviary” and began work on an Engels breviary and a book about the poet Georg Weerth .

In 1920 he collapsed from overwork, malnutrition, and grief. From the Pomeranian resort town of Polzin, he announced his “nasty black work break” was over and wanted to go back to his desk in Berlin when he died unexpectedly on February 28, 1921. He was buried in the forest cemetery near Stahnsdorf.

In 1925 his son Ludwig Diederich brought out a collection of poems under the title “Jungfreudig Volk”.


  • D ie Bible. Their origins and history. A historical-critical treatise on the enlightenment of the working people by Domela Nieuwenhuis . H. Harders-Bünde and Franz Diederich-Dortmund translate from Dutch into German . G. Slomke, Bielefeld 1892.
  • Winter solstice. Up to the summit! Two folk festivals . Verlag der Leipziger Volksbuchhandlung, Leipzig 1893.
  • Slomke's city book for traveling workers, craftsmen and artists. Interesting facts about 1000 cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with around 900 kilometer tables, place registers and overview section. Edited by Dr. Franz Diederich . G. Slomke, Bielefeld 1895.
  • Bremen March Days 1848th anniversary commemorative publication . Auer, Bremen 1898.
  • Worpsweder Moods 1901
  • Holderlin and his song of fate. A picture of time . Kaden, Dresden 1903.
  • The wide heather. Moods . Müller, Munich 1904.
  • The hammers roar. Will vote . Kaden, Dresden 1905.
  • When are folk art evenings successful? Callwey, Munich 1905.
  • From reading aloud at home. Callwey, Munich 1906.
  • How do you get used to good reading material? Callwey, Munich 1906.
  • Plays for amateur stages . Callwey, Munich 1908.
  • Fritz Düvell , Franz Diederich: Comets. Science and superstition . Kaden, Dresden 1910.
  • From the bottom up. A new book of freedom . 2 volumes. Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1911.
    • From the bottom up. A new book of freedom . Collected and designed by Franz Diederich. 2nd edition Singer, Berlin 1920.
  • Adolf Glasbrenner : Under the magnifying glass. Berlin political satire, revolutionary spirit and human comedy . Selected and introduced by Franz Diederich. With 117 pictures by Theodor Hosemann , Adolf Schroedter , Wilhelm Scholz , Carl Reinhardt , Gustav Heil . Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1912.
  • War. A book of need. Dedicated to the will to peace . Kaden, Dresden 1912.
  • The tsar's scourge. Storm screams from a hundred years . Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1914.
  • Hearts at war. Descriptions and stories . Selection by Franz Diederich. 2 volumes. Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1915.
  • War seed. Battle poems 1914-1916 . Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1916.
  • Historical act. Sheets and sketches from the writings of Karl Marx . Selection and grouping by Franz Diederich. Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1918.
  • Ed .: verb calculator stories. Kleist, Droste-Hülshoff, Schiller . Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1918.
  • Ed .: Criminal Stories. Storm, Moritz, Hartmann, Anzengruber . Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1918.
  • Marx Breviary. Selection and grouping by Franz Diederich. Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1918.
  • We weave! We weave! Heinrich Heine's political poems . Grouped and introduced by Franz Diederich. Singer, Berlin 1919.
  • Fritz Ebert. With an introduction by Konrad Haenisch . Schwetschke, Berlin 1919.
  • Adolf Douai : God, Faith, Freedom. Of social democratic upbringing and morality. ABC of knowledge. With a tribute to Douais from Franz Diederich. Singer, Berlin 1919.
  • Lassalle district. Selection and grouping by Franz Diederich. Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin 1919.
  • Young joyful people . Poems by Franz Diederich. Edited by Ludwig Diederich. Arbeiterjugend Verlag, Berlin 1925.


  • Ernst Kreowski : Franz Diederich, the hammers are booming. Will vote. Dresden, publishing and printing at Kaden & Co. In: Die Neue Zeit . Weekly of the German Social Democracy . 24.1905-1906, 1st volume (1906), issue 24, pp. 799-800. Digitized
  • Franz Diederich (1865-1921) . In: Franz Osterroth : Biographisches Lexikon des Sozialismus Volume I Verlag JHW Dietz Nachf., Hannover 1960, pp. 61–62.
  • Diederich, Franz . In: Lexicon of socialist German literature. From the beginning to 1945. Monographic-biographical presentations . Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1964, pp. 149–1502.
  • Dietger Pforte : From the bottom up - study of the literary educational work of the early German social democracy and the relationship between literature and the working class. Anabas, Giessen 1979. Table of contents

Web links

Wikisource: Franz Diederich  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biographical Lexicon of Socialism Volume I Verlag JHW Dietz Nachf. GmbH Hanover.