Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis

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Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis, around 1875
Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis, monument, Amsterdam, Nassauplein

Listen to Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis ? / i (born December 31, 1846 in Amsterdam , † November 18, 1919 in Hilversum ) was a Dutch socialist politician . Audio file / audio sample

Life and political career

He studied theology in Amsterdam and was pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church from 1870 to 1879 . In those years he was already pacifist . In time he began to see the contradictions of Christianity . After leaving the church, he joined pacifist and socialist movements. He founded a magazine called Recht voor Allen (Law for All) in 1879 , where he worked as an editor until 1898. On January 1, 1882, Christiaan Cornelissen was co-editor of the magazine. According to an article that was not written by himself in this paper, he had to serve a year in prison in 1886 for lese majesty . On January 6, 1881, Domela Nieuwenhuis sent Karl Marx his book Kapitaal en Arbeid , a summary of Das Kapital with a printed and handwritten dedication. Marx made numerous underlinings and comments in his copy. After his release, he visited some prominent socialists abroad, including a. Friedrich Engels . In 1898 he founded a new magazine, De Vrije Socialist , which was published until 1993 with changing titles.

From 1888 to 1891 he was a member of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament , although he opposed the parliamentary system. He attended congresses of the Socialist International and propagated the right to conscientious objection . He can be counted among the co-founders (1894) of the then still quite radical SDAP (Social Democratic Workers Party) . Just three years later he turned his back on it because he wanted to take a radical anarchist and revolutionary course. At the Conferences of the Second International in 1891 and 1893 anarchist resolutions - with the participation of D. Nieuwenhuis - proposed calling for general conscientious objection and strikes when declaring war. The majority of the Second International, on the other hand, believed that wars would disappear when capitalism was eliminated. Karl Liebknecht formulated a polemic against the anarchist position, namely Domela Nieuwenhuis, in the Second International in 1907 in the program publication Militarism and Antimilitarism .

Domela Nieuwenhuis founded the International Anti-Militarist Association (IAMV) in 1904 and was only noticeably active again after 1900, when in 1903 the railway workers went on strike because of a conflict over the recognition of the trade unions . This strike was unsuccessful, at least in the short term. He welcomed the Russian Revolution of 1917, but rejected the Bolshevik seizure of power .

There is a monument to him in Amsterdam on Nassauplein. A museum has been dedicated to him in Heerenveen .

See also

Works (selection)

  • Karl Marx. Capital and work done by F. Domela Nieuwenhuis . Liebers & Co.'s Hage 1881.
    • Capital and Labor. A concise presentation of Marx's teaching. Translated by C. Derossi . New York Labor News Company, New York 1887.
  • The different currents in the German social democracy. Harnisch, Berlin 1892.
  • My farewell to the church. Two lectures . Zwiener, Bielefeld 1892.
  • The life of Jesus. A historical-critical treatise for the enlightenment of the working people . Translated from Dutch into German by H. Harders-Bünde and Ms. Diederich-Dortmund. G. Slomke, Bielefeld 1893. Digitized
  • The Bible. Their origins and history. A historical-critical treatise for the enlightenment of the working people . 2nd edition. u. presumably an appendix: A newly discovered “life of Jesus”. Along with comments on the question: Buddhism and Christianity . G. Slomke, Bielefeld 1894.
  • War to war . Freer Arbeiter-Verlag, Berlin 1907.
  • Van christen dead anarchist . van Holkema & Warendorf, Amsterdam 1910.
  • De Internationale. (1864-1914) . Vrije Socialisten-Vereenigingen en Prop. Clubs, Amsterdam 1914.


  • Domela Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand . In: Algemene Encyclopedie. Samengesteld door de Winkler Prins redactie. A-Z . Lekturama, Rotterdam 1980, p. 109
  • Gé Nabrink: Bibliography van, over en in verband met Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis . Brill, Leiden 1985 ISBN 90-04-07572-0
  • Bert Altena: Criticism because of the practice. F. Domela-Nieuwenhuis and Marxism . In: Marcel van der Linden (ed.): The reception of Marx's theory in the Netherlands. Trier 1992, pp. 47-83 ISBN 3-926132-18-3
  • Rolf Hecker : A "brave comrade-in-arms" - Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis. Marx's marginalia in Kapitaal en Arbeid . In: Contributions to Marx-Engels research. New series 2001, Hamburg 2001, pp. 251-262 ISBN 3-88619-687-9
  • Bert Altena: On Rolf Hecker: Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis In: NF 2001, pp. 251–262 . In: Contributions to Marx-Engels research. New series 2004 , Hamburg 2004, pp. 258–259.
  • Meyers, Jan: Domela : hemel op aarde, leven en streven van Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis. Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers, 1993. ISBN 90-295-3114-2 .
  • Nabrink, Gé: Bibliography van, over en in verband met Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis . Leiden: Brill, 1985. ISBN 90-04-07572-0 .
  • Wolfram Beyer (Ed.): Refuse military service - pacifism current. Libertarian and humanist positions. Oppo Verlag, Berlin 2007 ISBN 978-3-926880-16-1 and The flaw in the peoples' army , In: Peace News No 2447, London June-August 2002 (controversy Karl Liebknecht / Domela Nieuwenhuis), online

Individual evidence

  1. Inge Möller: Comments on some books from the reference library by Marx and Engels . In: Contributions to the history of the German labor movement . Berlin 1959, pp. 150–168, here pp. 157–168.
  2. Domela Nieuwenhuis translated Friedrich Engels writing The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science into Dutch. ( De Ontwikkeling van het Socialisme van Utopie to Wetenschap . B. Liebers & Co, 's-Gravenhage 1886).
  3. See: Wolfram Beyer: War Services Refuse, Pazifismus aktuell - Libertarian and humanist positions, Oppo Verlag Berlin (1st edition 2007, p. 13f) and 2011, p. 18
  4. Karl Marx. Marginalia on Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis: Karl Marx. Capital en work . In: Marx / Engels Complete Edition. Fourth department. Marginalia. Specimens . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1983, S118-130 and pp 197-200.
  5. Autobiography

Web links

Commons : Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis  - Collection of images, videos and audio files