Tamara McKinley

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Tamara McKinley (* 25. February 1948 in Launceston, Tasmania ) is in the UK living Australian novelist writer .


McKinley grew up in Devonport until the age of ten . Her English grandmother, who she adopted at the age of six, took her to Great Britain, where McKinley has been based ever since, but she visits Australia every year to research her novels, which are all set there. Her twelve novels so far (2019) have been published in 20 different languages ​​(as of January 2019).


  • 1999: Matilda's Last Waltz
  • 2001: The scent of Jacaranda (Jacaranda Vines)
  • 2002: Anemones in the wind (Windflowers)
  • 2003: The Promise of the Opal (Summer Lightning)
  • 2004: The Song of the Plover (Undercurrents)
  • 2005: The farm at the eucalyptus grove (Dreamscapes)
  • 2007: Dreams Beyond the Sea (Lands Beyond the Sea)
  • 2008: Isle of Dream Paths (A Kingdom for the Brave)
  • 2009: Legends of Dreamtime (Legacy)
  • 2012: The Sky Over Tasmania (The Ocean Child)
  • 2013: The Land on the River of Fire (Firestorm)

German audio books

All novels from 1999 to 2008 were also published in Germany as audio books that were read by Joseline Gassen .

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