Tania Velmans

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Tania Velmans (full name Tanja Georgiewa Gubidelnikowa-Velmans, Bulgarian Таня Георгиева Губиделникова-Велманс ; * 1938 in Sofia , Bulgaria ) is a French art historian and Byzantinist of Bulgarian origin.

She was the granddaughter of the politician and banker Georgi Gubidelnikow , a representative of one of the most famous Kotlen families. Her father Georgi Gubidelnikow the Younger was also a banker and between 1914 and 1947 director of the first Bulgarian commercial bank (Bulgarian Българска търговска банка; see Atanas Burow ). After the Communists came to power in 1944, he was arrested. Tania later married a French diplomat, but was initially not allowed to leave Bulgaria. In 1961 she came to Paris.

In Paris, Tania Velmans studied art history with André Grabar at the École pratique des hautes études (graduated in 1964). In 1964 she became an employee at the Center national de la recherche scientifique , where she later became Directeur de recherche . In 1974 she received her doctorate with the dissertation La peinture murale byzantine à la fin du Moyen Age at the Sorbonne . Scientists from Bulgaria also began to work with her in the early 1970s. From 1979 to 1996 she was co-editor of the Cahiers Archéologiques . She gives the Cahiers Balkaniques. Histoire de l'Art out.

Her research focus is Byzantine art and its influence on the Balkans , especially painting.

Fonts (selection)

  • La peinture du Moyen Age en Yougoslavie: Serbie, Macédoine et Monténégro / Gabriel Millet, De Boccard, Paris 1954–1969, texts et presentation by Tania Velmans.
  • Le Tétraévangile de la Laurentienne: Florence, Laur. VI. 23 , Klincksieck, Paris 1971.
  • with Adeline Cacan de Bissy, Lyuben Praschkow: Icones bulgares: IX-XIXe siècle ; Musée du Petit Palais, March 16 - June 13, 1976, Paris 1976.
  • La peinture murale byzantine à la fin du Moyen Age. Klincksieck, Paris 1977 (= dissertation).
  • with Lyuben Praschkow: Bulgaarse Ikonen van de IXe tot de XIXe eeuw: November 26th , 1977 - February 12th , 1978 , Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, Brussels 1977.
  • with Adriano Alpago Novello: L'arte della Georgia. Affreschi e architetture. Jaca Book, Milan 1996. ISBN 88-16-60192-2 .
  • Byzantium, frescoes and mosaics. Zurich, Benziger 1999.
    • Modern Greek: Βυζάντιο: Τέχνη και διακόσµηση. ΕΚ∆. ΚΑΡΑΚΩΤΣΟΓΛΟΥ, Athens 2004. ISBN 978-960-7927-90-3 .
  • with Vojislav Korac, Marica Suput: Rayonnement de Byzance. L'art chrétien d'Orient, iconographie et architecture. Editions Desclée de Brouwer, Paris 1999 ISBN 2220046281 .
  • Le grand livre des icônes. Des origines à la chute de Byzance. Hazan, Paris 2002. ISBN 2850258415 .
  • L'art médiéval de l'Orient chrétien. Recueil d'études. 2. éd. rev. et augm. Éditions LIK, Sofia 2002. ISBN 954-607-475-6 (collected articles, table of contents ).
  • with Elka Bakalowa u. a (Ed.): Il viaggio dell'icona dalle origini alla caduta di Bisanzio. Jaca Book, Milan 2002 ISBN 88-16-60283-X .
  • La fabuleuse histoire de l'icône. Le Rocher, 2005 ISBN 2268056228
  • with Eduard Carbonell, Roberto Cassanelli (eds.): L'art de la Méditerranée. Renaissances en Orient et en Occident, 1250-1490. Le Rouergue 2003. ISBN 2-84156-508-4 .
    • German: The age of the Renaissance. Art, culture and history in the Mediterranean. Theiss, Stuttgart 2003. ISBN 3-8062-1814-5 .

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