Trestle table

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Trestle table

A wallpapering table is a collapsible table that is used for various work steps when wallpapering. It is mainly used to paste the strips of wallpaper that have been cut to size , which is why most models are about three meters long when unfolded - so wallpaper strips for normal-height rooms can be completely rolled out on it. For the lateral cutting of wallpaper strips, a rail made of thin metal is attached to the edge of the wallpapering table with thumbtacks or adhesive tape. The wallpaper can then be cut ("hewn") along this edge with a wallpaper knife .

In order to be easily transportable when folded, wallpapering tables are made of light materials such as plywood or aluminum , and they also have a handle; a lock prevents the table from unintentionally unfolding during transport. In 2003 a German company applied for a patent for a height-adjustable wallpapering table. When gluing non-woven wallpapers, wallpaper tables are superfluous.

Since they take up little space when folded and offer a long table surface when unfolded, wallpapering tables are also often used in other ways, for example as a sales table at a flea market or for serving up a buffet .

Individual evidence

  1. Patent application 2003 - Height-adjustable wallpapering table .
  2. Anja Meyer, Heimwerker-Königin: Crown your home , Draksal Fachverlag 2011, ISBN 978-3-86243-009-3 , p. 30. ( on Google Books ).