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Online backups for the truly paranoid
Online data backup provider
operator Colin Percival

Tarsnap is a file hosting - Services for Unix-like operating systems such as BSD , Linux or Mac OS X . The service was launched in 2008 by Colin Percival, Security Officer Emeritus at FreeBSD , who also developed the key derivation function scrypt for this purpose . Only the user has the keys to the encrypted data; the data itself is on Amazon S3 . Various security researchers and hackers have examined it for security gaps, and in 2011 a bug was found and fixed. A prepaid system only pays for the storage and traffic that is actually used. If the credit runs out, the data will be deleted after seven days. With SpiderOak and Silent Circle, Tarsnap is a secure alternative to Dropbox or Google Drive .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ What I Would Do If I Ran Tarsnap , last accessed May 1, 2014
  2. The scrypt key derivation function , last accessed on May 1, 2014
  3. ↑ From CERT2012: FreeBSD talks amateur bug hunting , last accessed May 1, 2014
  4. https://netzpolitik.org/2011/dropbox-verbindelt-nutzen/ , last accessed on May 1, 2014

Web links