Pigeon feast

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The Taubengelage ( Duvengelag ) is a folk festival and game of the servants , which has been handed down from the county of Rantzau in southern Schleswig-Holstein and traditionally took place on Easter Monday .

Style of play

The focus of Duvengelag was a game in which a wooden pigeon had to be freed from a wooden barrel. A rope was stretched between two trees with a wooden barrel in the middle. The rope was passed through the bottom and lid so that the barrel could rotate freely when bumped. Inside the barrel, a wooden pigeon was tied to a rope in the rope. The participating servants now had the task of smashing the barrel with stones and then hitting the tape with which the pigeon was attached. The winner became “king” and received a colored ribbon made of silk or damask that he could wear around his hat during the evening dance.

In earlier forms of the game, a live domestic pigeon was locked in the hanging barrel, after which it was beaten in the form of a rider game similar to ring riding until the barrel was destroyed and the pigeon could escape.

A variant for the maids was bundling duvet . A pigeon was locked in a clay pot, then balls were rolled against the pot until it broke and the pigeon flew away. This game is documented from Schönberg in the Steinhorst department in Lauenburg .

supporting documents

  1. ^ A b c Heinrich Handelmann: Popular and children's games from Schleswig-Holstein . Ernst Homann, Kiel 1874, p. 12 ( limited preview in Google Book search).

See also