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Tauriska is a cultural association founded in 1986 with headquarters in Neukirchen am Großvenediger , which deals with cultural work and regional development in Pinzgau .

The Tauriska cultural association was founded in 1986 by Alfred Winter. The name is derived from the Tauriskern , a Celtic tribe that lived in this region about 2000 years ago. The association's tasks include improving the quality of life in the communities, renewing villages and securing jobs in the region.

The association's educational academy in the Kammerlanderstall in Neukirchen am Großvenediger is named after the philosopher Professor Leopold Kohr (1909–1994). Its guiding principle “return to human proportions” is both a mandate and a program for the academy, which sees itself as a training institute and aims to promote economically small units. Both the association and the academy organize symposiums, conferences and roundtables for the exchange of scientific and cultural ideas, as well as courses and advanced training courses that are primarily aimed at the regional audience.

The "Tauriska-Magazin" and publications with a regional background are self-published (Verlag Tauriska).

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