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Tchana-Carré (also: Tchiana-Carré ) is an informal settlement in the urban area of Niamey in Niger .

Tchana-Carré is on the avenue de l'Indépendance in the south-east of the Plateau 2 district , which belongs to the Niamey I arrondissement . The poor settlement is located on nine plots in the middle of one of the most sought-after areas of the city. It consists of simple straw huts, which contradicts the local building code. There are no latrines, running water or electricity. Many residents of the 30 or so households work as private security guards.

Thousands of people fled to the capital Niamey as a result of a famine in 1984. Well-known as a benefactor, the wealthy businessman Elhadj Hamidou Sâley, known as Tchana (or Tchiana), made his land in Tchana-Carré available as living space for the destitute immigrants. The settlement is named after him and after the usual Niamey name for a parcel, carré . Tchana died in 1986 and his heirs let the residents of Tchana-Carré stay.

Individual evidence

  1. Hamadou Issaka: L'habitat informel dans les villes d'Afrique subsaharienne francophone à travers l'exemple de Niamey (Niger) . Thesis. Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau 2007, Chapitre 5.2.2 L'habitat informel sur domaine privé ( [accessed April 21, 2019]).
  2. a b c Kokou Henri Motcho, Hamadou Issaka: Diversité des stratégies résidentielles des familles démunies à Niamey. (PDF) Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, July 25, 2018, pp. 1 and 11 , accessed on May 5, 2019 (French).
  3. a b Hamadou Issaka, Johnson Cassidy: Niamey face au défi du développement urbain sensible aux risques: multiplicité des acteurs et déficit de synergie . In: Revue Ivoirienne de Géographie des Savanes . No. 5 , December 2018, ISSN  2521-2125 , p. 118 ( [PDF; accessed April 26, 2019]).
  4. a b c Hamadou Issaka: L'habitat informel dans les villes d'Afrique subsaharienne francophone à travers l'exemple de Niamey (Niger) . Thesis. Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau 2007, Chapitre Le domaine privé des particuliers ( [accessed April 21, 2019]).

Coordinates: 13 ° 32 '  N , 2 ° 6'  E