Team teaching

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The team teaching is a form of teaching, in which two or more teachers a lesson or prepare moiety together, perform, evaluate and, where appropriate, to continue.

Team teaching unfolds its advantages above all where learning content with different technical aspects is to be conveyed or teaching projects are to be implemented that require the expertise of different specialists.

The course of a lesson in team teaching is indicated by

  • Information phase in plenary
  • Development, practice or application phase in differentiated form.

While the information phase leads to the topic or subject problem and provides initial orientation knowledge, in the differentiation phase the processing of understanding difficulties or the special interests of the students should be accommodated. During this time, the teachers stand by the students as advisory supervisors.

Team teaching is not a new educational social form, but combines different social forms ( group lessons , partner work or individual work ) within the framework of special differentiation lessons .

Team teaching is particularly suitable in heterogeneous working groups in which some participants need special support.

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