Tedorigawa Dam

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Tedorigawa Dam
Location: Honshū , Japan
Drain: TedoriSea of ​​Japan
Larger cities on the shore: Hakusan
Tedorigawa Dam (Ishikawa Prefecture)
Tedorigawa Dam
Coordinates 36 ° 15 '53 "  N , 136 ° 38' 41"  E Coordinates: 36 ° 15 '53 "  N , 136 ° 38' 41"  E
Data on the structure
Lock type: Rockfall dam
Construction time: 1969-1980
Height of the barrier structure : 153 m
Building volume: 10.05 million m³
Crown length: 420 m
Slope slope on the air side : 1: 1.85
Slope slope on the water side : 1: 2.6
Power plant output: 250 MW
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 5.25 km²
Storage space 231 million m³
Catchment area 428.4 km²

The Tedorigawa Dam ( Japanese 手 取 川 ダ ム , Tedorigawa-damu ) is a dam in Japan , which is located on Tedori in the area of Hakusan City ( Ishikawa Prefecture ) near Mount Haku-san on the main island of Honshū .

The dam fulfills several purposes, namely flood protection, water supply and hydropower generation. The hydropower plant generates a nominal output of 250 megawatts.


The barrier structure is a 153 meter high dam made of rock fill material with a sealing core. The dam has a volume of more than 10 million cubic meters.

See also

Web links

Commons : Tedorigawa Dam  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files