Parts dresser

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The Teilezurichter was on 2 October 1939 to 31 August 2013 a recognized apprenticeship under the Vocational Training Act (Vocational Training Act). The two-year in-company or school-based training to become a parts dresser is completed with a theoretical and a practical examination at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce . Parts dressers are active in manufacturing and assembly technology, the metal industry and metal construction. You are responsible for assembly, production, maintenance and machine care.

The contents of the training include learning about machining processes , production technology , maintenance and monitoring of technical systems, reading technical drawings, environmental protection and safety in the workplace. Parts dressers mainly do their work in production halls or workshops . Technical interest and the willingness to work precisely are prerequisites.

After completing vocational training, it is possible to move up to become an industrial foreman in the field of metal, master mechanic or technician .

The apprenticeship was replaced on August 1, 2013 by the specialist for metal technology.

Web links

Apprenticeship as part fitter (Federal Employment Agency)