Tel Qasab

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Tel Qasab
Tel Qasab (Iraq)
Tel Qasab
Tel Qasab
Coordinates 36 ° 15 ′  N , 41 ° 57 ′  E Coordinates: 36 ° 15 ′  N , 41 ° 57 ′  E
Country IraqIraq Iraq
Governorate Ninawa
District Sinjar
Basic data
height 407  m
Residents 18,000 (July 2014)
View of the Tel Qasab village
View of the Tel Qasab village

Tel Qasab (also Tel Kassab , Arabic تل قصب, DMG Tall Qaṣab , also Baath ) is a Yazidi village in northern Iraq . The village is located in the Sinjar district south of the Jabal Sinjar in the Ninawa governorate . The place is one of the disputed areas of Northern Iraq .


Tel Qasab is a so-called “model village” (also called muǧammaʿāt) and was founded between 1965 and the 1970s. For the settlement of the Yazidis other Yazidi villages were depopulated. In 1965, the then Iraqi government decided to destroy the Yazidi villages of Jabal Sinjar and to force the residents to relocate. The 400 or so Yazidi villages of Jebel Sinjar were partially bulldozed and the residents were driven out. The Ba'ath regime called these forced resettlement measures modernization projects.

Tel Qasab, like the entire Sinjar region and the entire Ninawa province, has been one of the disputed areas of northern Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003 . The village was controlled by Kurdish Perschmerga until August 2014 .

In August 2014 the village was attacked by the Islamic State and brought under its control. The IS was driven out of the village in May 2017 and the place is considered liberated and recaptured. Even so, only a few residents have returned to the village.


To the population Tel Qasab's count only Yazidi . As a result of the genocide of the Yazidis in 2014, these were abducted, murdered or expelled by IS . Many of the village's residents are currently living in refugee camps in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Emerging Land Tenure Issues among Displaced Yazidis from Sinjar, Iraq. (PDF) In: United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN – Habitat). November 2015, accessed December 5, 2018 .
  2. ^ Otmar Oehring: Christians and Yazidis in Iraq: Current Situation and Perspectives. In: Konrad Adenauer Foundation. P. 92 , accessed November 30, 2018 .
  3. Irene Dulz: The Yezidis in Iraq: between "model village" and escape . LIT Verlag Münster, 2001, ISBN 978-3-8258-5704-2 , p. 54–55 ( [accessed February 27, 2019]).
  4. ^ Human Rights Watch. Retrieved November 30, 2018 .
  5. a b Elke Dangeleit: Northern Iraq: Yazidis fear expulsions again. Accessed November 30, 2018 (German).
  6. Sinjar Mountains in Northern Iraq - Hesitant return of the Yazidis . In: Deutschlandfunk . ( [accessed November 30, 2018]).
  7. Hope in ruins . ( [accessed November 30, 2018]).