Telecom Brigade

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Today's Telecom Brigade is a special military militia formation in Switzerland that has existed since 1866 , in which the staff of the former federal telegraph administration up to today's Swisscom are combined. The Telecom Brigade is incorporated into the Swiss Army .

The names and the size of the unit have changed constantly over the years, from the military telegraph from 1866 to the field telegraph service in 1891 and the field telephone and field telegraph service (Ftg u Ftf D) 1947 to Telecombrigade 40 in 1995 with over 6000 members. With two exceptions, the formation consisted exclusively of Swisscom specialists and cadres, both civil and military functions. With this solution, the country has a military unit which, when deployed with the available civilian means of communication and the specialist personnel, operates as long as possible through all strategic locations in favor of national interests. Effective January 1, 1998, Colonel Erich Beck was appointed commander of the brigade and at the same time promoted to brigadier .


  • Report of the Federal Council to the security policy commissions of the federal councils, Switzerland's security interests in broadcasting and telecommunications infrastructures in extraordinary situations , November 30, 2001 (online PDF file, 125 KB )

Individual evidence

  1. Swiss Officers Society , General Swiss Military Magazine , Volume 164, Page 48, Huber, 1998
  2. Federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation, press release of September 10, 1997 New Commander of Telecombrigade 40 (accessed on March 11, 2011)