Telephos (Indo-Greek king)

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Coin of Telephos

Telephos was an Indo-Greek king known only from his few coins. He probably only ruled briefly, with his rule being in Gandhara . The exact chronological determination of his reign is disputed in research. He is mostly in the middle of the first century BC. Set.

His coins show some peculiarities that are not known from Indo-Greek rulers. On the front there is sometimes the image of Zeus and inscriptions in Greek script, the back shows other figures such as a crouching man with legends in Kharoshthi .

Monograms appear on his coins, which are otherwise attested to by no other Indo-Greek ruler, but to the Indo-Scythian king Maues (exact date uncertain, estimates vary between 120 and 60 BC).

Because of these monograms, Robert C. Senior sees him as an Indo-Scythian ruler who belongs to the Mau family.


  • Abodh K. Narain: The Indo-Greeks. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1957, p. 147.
  • William W. Tarn: The Greeks in Bactria and India. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1951, pp. 333, 496-497

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert C. Senior: Indo-Scythian Dynasty . In: Ehsan Yarshater (Ed.): Encyclopædia Iranica , as of: July 20, 2005, accessed on June 5, 2011 (English, including references)