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Terentianus († September 1, 118 ? In Todi ) was a bishop and martyr .

Terentianus is said to have officiated as the first bishop of Todi when Laetianus, the proconsul of Tuscia under Emperor Hadrian , had him arrested and tortured. According to legend, Terentianus' tongue was also cut off, but he continued to speak and confessed his faith while Laetianus fell silent. In addition, Terentianus made a blind Jupiter temple servant named Flaccus see before his execution and was then beheaded together with him. The following night his body was then recovered by a Laurentia and a priest Exuperanus and buried eight miles further away in today's San Terenziano (district of Gualdo Cattaneo ). Terentianus' relics are also venerated in the church of San Terenziano al Monte in Capranica near Viterbo , where the bones of the saint are said to have been transferred in 1260. Since the Passio quotes unhistorical edicts of Hadrian, the authenticity of the martyrdom in 118 is questionable. Terentianus may not have lived until the 4th century and the legend has been postponed to give the diocese of Todi a more venerable age.

Terentianus is first in a Passio of the 6th Jhs. mentioned.

Terentianus is venerated as a saint . His feast day is September 1st.
