Terres de l'Ebre

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Division of Catalonia into 7 regions according to the 1995 regional plan:
  • Àmbit metropolità
  • Old Pirineu i Aran
  • Camp de Tarragona
  • Comarques Central
  • Comarques of Gironines
  • Ponent
  • Terres de l'Ebre
  • The Terres de l'Ebre is one of seven territories ( àmbits funcionals territorials ) in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia , which was adopted by law in 1995 with the regional plan ( Pla territorial general de Catalunya ).

    Terres de l'Ebre has an area of ​​3,339 km² and has 159,383 inhabitants (2009). The territory is located in the extreme southwest of Catalonia on the border with the autonomous communities of Aragon and Valencia . All 4 Comarcas des Ámbits are on the lower reaches of the Río Ebro .

    Status: 2009

    local community Residents Area
    Baix Ebre 67,050 1,035
    Montsià 58,151 728
    Ribera d'Ebre 21,951 835
    Terra Alta 12,231 741

    Àmbits funcionals territorials (AFT)

    See also