The Dick Van Dyke Show

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Television series
German title The Dick Van Dyke Show
Original title The Dick Van Dyke Show
Country of production United States
original language English
Year (s) 1961-1966
length 30 minutes
Episodes 158 in 5 seasons
genre Sitcom
idea Carl Reiner
music Earle Hagen
First broadcast October 3rd, 1961 (USA) on CBS

The Dick Van Dyke Show was an American sitcom that was produced from October 3, 1961 to June 1, 1966 by the broadcaster CBS . Carl Reiner came up with the idea for the show and Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore were cast in the leading roles .

The series offered viewers a humorous look into the production of a fictional television show, the Alan Brady Show .


The episodes are usually about Robert Petrie ( Dick Van Dyke ) and his assistants Buddy Sorrell (Morey Amsterdam) and Sally Rogers (Rose Marie), who write the lyrics for the show. Other episodes describe Rob's married life with his wife Laura ( Mary Tyler Moore ).

In the pilot episode from 1960, producer Carl Reiner also played the role of Robert Petrie alongside Barbara Britton as Laura . Reiner was then entrusted with the role of Alan Brady , the boss of Petries . Within the series, Robert Petrie is writing his memoirs about life with his wife Laura and concluding them in the series finale. After the memoirs are rejected by publishers, Alan Brady suggests releasing the story as a television series, with himself starring as Robert Petrie . This closes the circle to the pilot film with a different cast.


  • Robert Petrie ( Dick Van Dyke ) is a screenwriter for The Alan Brady Show .
  • Laura Petrie ( Mary Tyler Moore ) is Rob's wife.
  • Buddy Sorrell (Morey Amsterdam) is Rob's work colleague.
  • Sally Rogers (Rose Marie) is Rob's work colleague.
  • Richard Petrie (Larry Mathews) is Rob's son.
  • Melvin Cooley (Richard Deacon) is Rob's producer.
  • Jerry Helper (Jerry Paris) is Rob's neighbor.
  • Millie Helper ( Ann Guilbert ) is Jerry's wife.

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