The Willow Game

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The Willow Game
Game data
author Greg Costikyan
graphic Janet J. Kramer ,
Romas Kukalis ,
Ron Miller
publishing company Tor Books
Publishing year 1988
Art Fantasy board game
Teammates 2 to 6
Duration 120 minutes
Age from 11 years

The Willow Game is a board game for 2 to 6 players developed by Greg Costikyan and published in English in 1988 by Tor Books . It's a fantasy game and is based on the movie Willow .

Game objective

There are two parties, divided into good-minded and bad-minded players . Various cards are used on a game board. The goal of the good players is to bring the Elora Danan card and scepter to Tir Asleen . There the good players have to try to liberate the city. Another way to win is by fighting the great sorceress Bavmorda . The evil party's goal is to get the Elora Danan card and take it to Nockmaar Castle .

Course of the game

The gameplay scheme follows a simple pattern. The game of the good party consists of the following steps:

  1. Draw card
  2. Fight against enemy cards that the evil party may have put on your character
  3. Move
  4. cure
  5. Find treasure maps

The evil party's gameplay looks like this:

  1. Draw cards (2 each)
  2. Move
  3. cure
  4. Fight against good

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