Theoretical surgery

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The Theoretical Surgery is a basic science and supports the decision of the operating surgeon . It helps him plan the best surgical treatment possible. The “tool” of the theoretical surgeon is not the scalpel , but the database . In addition to actively participating in the preparation of surgical interventions, the theoretical surgeon is also responsible for quality assurance , i.e. the scientific documentation of the success (or failure) of the operations performed - an important prerequisite for the further development of successful surgical procedures and thus for the improvement of patient care .

Wilfried Lorenz, who taught at the Philipps University of Marburg from 1970 to 2004, is considered to be the most important pioneer of this branch of medical science in Germany . He received one of the first professorships with this designation, which was retained even after his retirement. He also published the most important German scientific journal (of the same name).

Individual evidence

  1. Dies Academicus in the Faculty of Medicine. On: from November 17, 2010
  2. Laudation on the award of the Euricius Cordus Medal of the University of Marburg on November 24, 2010
  3. Euricius Cordus Medal to Prof. Dr. Wilfried Lorenz. On: from November 25, 2010