Theridion grallator

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Theridion grallator
Theridion grallator.jpg

Theridion grallator

Class : Arachnids (arachnida)
Order : Spiders (Araneae)
Subordination : Real spiders (Araneomorphae)
Family : Crested web spiders (Theridiidae)
Genre : Theridion
Type : Theridion grallator
Scientific name
Theridion grallator
Simon , 1900

Theridion grallator is a species of spider in the genus Theridion that is found exclusively in Hawaii . The underside is light yellow and somewhat transparent. Depending on the food consumed, it can be red, black and white in color. The pattern is similar to a smiling face. Therefore the common English name is also "happy face spider". This polymorphism couldcounteractthe applicability oftheir hunters' prey schemes .

The females live as solitary animals under leaves in forests. They defend their egg balls aggressively and look after the brood for a while after they hatch. It can happen that some young animals of the brood are taken in by foster mothers.

Web links

Commons : Theridion grallator  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Theridion grallator in the World Spider Catalog

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rosemary G. Gillespie: Diet-Induced Color Change in the Hawaiian Happy-Face Spider Theridion grallator (Araneae, Theridiidae). In: Journal of Arachnology 17, No. 2/1989, pp. 171-177.
  2. ^ Rosemary G. Gillespie, Geoffrey S. Oxford: Selection on the Color Polymorphism in Hawaiian Happy-Face Spiders: Evidence from Genetic Structure and Temporal Fluctuations . In: Evolution 52, No. 3/1998, pp. 775-783
  3. Rosemary G. Gillespie: Costs and Benefits of Brood Care in the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider Theridion grallator (Araneae, Theridiidae) . In: American Midland Naturalist 123, No. 2/1990, pp. 236-243