Thessa Gradl

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Thessa Gradl , married name Thessa Cretschmar ( 1867 in Dillingen an der Donau - February 1914 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German opera singer ( soprano ).


She received her training at the royal music school in Munich and was engaged at the city theater in Würzburg in 1889. There she worked until 1891, in which year she joined the Association of the Düsseldorf City Theater. In 1893 Gradl became a member of the court theater in Schwerin, in 1895 she sang at the Vienna State Opera and in 1897 followed a call to the Berlin court stage. Guest contracts took her to the opera houses in Leipzig, Dresden and Munich. In the latter city she probably sang for the last time in 1903.

Gradl was first married to the conductor Max Schuster (1866–1898), after whose death he was married to the public prosecutor and later President of the Senate of Frankfurt a. Main Cornelius C (K) retschmar (1856–1926). After the second marriage, the artist gave up her successful career and only worked as a singing teacher.


The artist has a beautiful soprano voice that works in harmony with a neatly pointed manner of representation, roles such as B. brings "The cricket on the stove" to the best effect. "Marie" ("Armorer", "Tsar and Carpenter"), "Zerline" ("Fra Diavolo"), "Page" ("Huguenots"), "Ännchen", ("Freischütz"), " Zerlina "(" Don Juan ") etc.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thessa Gradl's appearances at the Vienna State Opera
  2. ^ Ludwig Eisenberg : Thessa Gradl . In: Large biographical lexicon of the German stage in the XIX. Century. Paul List, Leipzig 1903, p. 343 ( ).