Thomas Dean (computer scientist)

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Thomas L. "Tom" Dean (* 1950 ) is an American computer scientist.

Dean studied mathematics (and philosophy) at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute with a bachelor's degree summa cum laude in 1982 and computer science at Yale University with a master's degree in 1984 and a doctorate in 1986. He was from 1986 Assistant Professor, from 1990 Associate Professor and from 1993 professor of computer science (as well as linguistics and cognitive science) at Brown University , where he was Deputy Provost from 2003 to 2005 and headed the computer science faculty from 1997 to 2002. From 2006 he started doing research at Google in Mountain View. He is also an adjunct professor at Brown University and a consulting professor at Stanford.

He deals with artificial intelligence , machine learning , robotics, automated planning and control, algorithmic biology, neural modeling (neural networks) and their application in computer vision, probabilistic interference.

He is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the Association for Computing Machinery, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science . In 1989 he received a Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation. He was on the Board of Trustees of the IJCAI and was program director of the 16th IJCAI 1999 in Stockholm.

Before his studies he also worked in the construction industry (architect, contractor) as a sculptor and cabinet maker.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Michael Wellman: Planing and Control, Morgan Kaufmann 1991
  • with James F. Allen, John Aloimonos: Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Practice, Benjamin Cummings 1995
  • Talking with computers. Explorations in the science and technology of computing, Cambridge UP 2004
  • with Daniel Cox: Neural networks and neuroscience-inspired computer vision. Current Biology, Volume 24, 2014, 921-929

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