Thomas Venner

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The Fifth Monarchy Men Revolt and the Execution of their Leaders , Illustration, 17th Century

Thomas Venner (* after 1600; † January 19, 1661 ) was an English cooper . As a rebel, he became the final leader of the Fifth Monarchy Men and failed in an attempt to overthrow Oliver Cromwell . He then led a coup against the restored monarchy under Charles II. This event went down in English history as the "Venner Uprising" ( English : Venner's Rising ). The uprising lasted from January 1 to January 4, 1661, the day the royal authorities arrested the rebels.

In 1632 Venner had moved to New England , where he stayed for 22 years until he returned to conspire against Cromwell after he was made lord protector. After the execution of Thomas Harrisons at Charing Cross on October 19, 1660, he took over the leadership of the Fifth Monarchy Men. Venner was a community that also included veterans of the New Model Army . The congregation met in a rented room over a tavern in London.

He was tried at Old Bailey, and on January 19, 1661, Venner was hanged, gutted, and quartered .
