Tiberius Claudius Maximinus

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Tiberius Claudius Maximinus (full name form Tiberius Claudius Tiberi filius Quirina Maximinus ) was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 2nd century AD .

Several military diplomas prove that Maximinus was the commander of the Cohors I Ulpia Dacorum on March 22, 129 AD , which was stationed in the province of Syria at that time . Its origin is indicated in the diplomas of Neapolis . Maximinus was registered in the Quirina tribe .


  1. There were numerous cities with the name Neapolis (see Neapolis ). According to Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl with Neapolis probably the location in Italy Neapolis , today's Naples meant.

Individual evidence

  1. Military diplomas of the year 129 ( Chiron-2006-230 , Chiron-2006-239 , Chiron-2006-241 , Chiron-2006-242 , ZPE-183-236 , ZPE-190-293 ).
  2. Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl: Syria under Domitian and Hadrian: New diplomas for the auxiliary troops of the province In: Chiron , Volume 36 (2006), pp. 205–247, here pp. 229–230 ( online ).