Tiberius Claudius Nero (Legate 67 BC)

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Tiberius Claudius Nero was a native of the first half of the 1st century BC. Living Roman politician from the Claudian line .


Little is known about the life of Tiberius Claudius Nero. His father also carried the prenomen Tiberius and his grandfather the prenomen Appius .

Around 79 BC Tiberius Claudius Nero officiated as mint master . 67 BC Chr. Strode Pompey energetic martial against the danger of pirates one. Nero was one of his legates and watched over the Strait of Gibraltar . In an unknown year before 63 BC BC, maybe even before 67 BC He was praetor . As 63 BC When the fate of the captured Catilinarians was discussed, Nero pleaded for them to be locked up until the conspiracy was completely suppressed and its full extent was known.



  1. ^ Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton : The magistrates of the Roman republic . Volume 3: Supplement . Scholars press, Atlanta 1986, p. 55.
  2. Florus 1:41 , 9; Appian , Mithridatius 95.
  3. ^ Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton: The magistrates of the Roman republic . Volume 2. New York 1952, p. 463.
  4. Sallust , De coniuratione Catilinae 50, 4; Appian, Civil Wars 2, 5 (with slight deviations from Sallust).