Deep sea gigantism

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The up to 45 cm long and 1.7 kg heavy isopod Bathynomus giganteus lives on the sea ​​floor .
Prepared giant squid Architeuthis dux

Deep sea gigantism (also abyssal gigantism ) describes in zoology the hypothesis that comparable taxa or fauna of the deep sea become larger with increasing water depth. The presumption of deep-sea gigantism comes from individual findings. However, systematic investigations cannot confirm that this effect is even present as a general trend, and it is discussed which influences it should be attributed to. In the oceans, the opposite is also known: gigantism of plankton eaters near the surface ( whale shark , baleen whales ).


A trend towards deep sea gigantism can be investigated by systematic comparisons of the body sizes of related taxa in shallow water and deep sea.

A general deep-sea giant antism trend was identified when compared with smaller gastropods living in shallow water . A general trend could be observed for prey-seeking fish from the north-east Atlantic.

No trend towards deep-sea gigantism was noted for non-prey fish. For gastropods, which are already quite large in shallow water, the opposite trend can be observed.

The results as to whether there is actually a trend towards deep-sea gigantism are contradictory; depending on the study concept, there is no deep-sea gigantism, but also "deep-sea dwarfing".

The meio- and macrofauna of the benthos decrease with increasing water depth, which is not surprising due to the increasing scarcity of food, but the relationship between meio- and macrofauna of the benthos is not subject to any trend.

Selection pressure

In order to explain a general trend, a similar selection pressure over long periods of time is necessary. Environmental factors responsible as selection factors come here, for example. B. in question:

  • Food shortage
    • later sexual maturity
    • Facilitating partner finding with low population density
    • unequal distribution of macro foods
    • even distribution of micro-food
    • Coexistence with symbiotes
  • Protection against predators
  • permanently low temperatures (approx. 4 ° C)
  • Increased swimming speed and endurance
    • hunt
    • Claim against permanent currents
  • Darkness
    • reduced energy resources see food shortage
    • reduced perceptibility by predators
  • Water pressure
  • other factors
  • Combinations of several factors

Protection against predators was discussed as an explanatory model. Since it is assumed that food poverty on islands can cause the opposite trend , this frequently cited attempt to explain deep-sea gigantism does not seem generally convincing. It is of considerable importance whether the diet consists mainly of detritus or of (large) carrion or (large) live prey.


Similar and opposite trends

In the oceans there is gigantism of near-surface plankton eaters . Other general body size trends are known in polar regions ( macrofauna ). On islands, both island dwarfing and opposing island gigantism are assumed.

Single receipts

  1. a b c d Yoshihisa Shirayama: Size structure of deep ‐ sea meio ‐ and macrobenthos in the Western Pacific. International Review of the Entire Hydrobiology and Hydrography, Volume 68, No. 6, 1983, pp. 799-810. doi : 10.1002 / iroh.3510680605 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m MA Collins et al .: Trends in body size across an environmental gradient: a differential response in scavenging and non-scavenging demersal deep-sea fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Volume 272, No. 1576, 2005, pp. 2051-2057. doi : 10.1098 / rspb.2005.3189 .
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k Craig R. McClain, Alison G. Boyer, Gary Rosenberg: The island rule and the evolution of body size in the deep sea. Journal of Biogeography, Volume 33, No. 9, 2006, pp. 1578-1584. doi : 10.1111 / j.1365-2699.2006.01545.x .