Animal voice archive

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Animal voice archive

Tierstimmenarchiv berlin 002.JPG
Archive type Media archive
place Berlin
founding 1951
scope 120,000
carrier Museum of Natural History Berlin

The animal voice archive is a scientific collection of sound carriers with songs, calls and other sounds of animals. It is located at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin .


Historical tape recorder (built 1951), with which the first recordings for the collection were made
Sound sample from the animal voice archive: Calls from young starlings
The magazine with digital sound carriers

The collection was founded in 1951 by Günter Tembrock at the then Zoological Institute of the Humboldt University and has been used for research and teaching in the field of bioacoustics ever since . After primarily recordings were made in the Berlin zoos , from 1960 on, recordings of the animals' natural habitats also increased.

Until 1990, most of the recordings were made by Tembrock and his colleagues and students, later recordings from other sources, such as Dagmar Langwald , Klaus Conrads and Gottfried Hohmann, were integrated into the collection.

Extent of the collection

The current size of the collection comprises 120,000 sound recordings, on 4,000 tape reels and digital sound carriers. These include around 1800 bird, 580 mammal and several fish, amphibian, reptile and insect species. The individual recordings were mostly made in zoos and partly in laboratories or in the field. Geographically, the focus of the field recordings is on Central and Eastern Europe, with important sub-collections from the Caucasus and Central Asia.


In order to preserve the recordings, most of which were available on tape, they were gradually digitized and saved on CDs , DVDs and, in parallel, on Humboldt University computers. Recordings that were already in digital form - for example from DAT or hard disk recorders - were converted to these media.


  • Karl-Heinz Frommolt: Günter Tembrock (1918–2011). In: Bioacoustics. 21, 2012, pp. 173-174, doi : 10.1080 / 09524622.2012.651791 .
  • Frommolt K.-H., Bardeli R., Kurth F., Clausen M. (2006): The animal sound archive at the Humboldt-University of Berlin: Current activities in conservation and improving access for bioacoustic research, Razprave IV. Razreda SAZU XLVII-3 Advances in Bioacoustics 2: 139–144. ( PDF ( Memento June 2, 2012 on WebCite ))

See also

Web links

Individual evidence


Coordinates: 52 ° 31 '48.9 "  N , 13 ° 22' 45.2"  E