Timothy James Knab

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Timothy James Knab Herbes (born February 21, 1949 ) is an American anthropologist .


Tlalocan, wall painting in Teotihuacan

Dr. Timothy James Knab is Professor of Anthropology at the Universidad de las Américas . His research focus is on Mesoamerican linguistics ; Ethnology and ethnography , as well as myths and religion of the Mexica . In long-term field studies, he dealt in particular with Tlalocan and other Mexican mythical areas and the religious practices of the Nahua that are still related to them today .


  • Sierra Nahuat narrative discourse in everyday life , 1983 Dissertation , State University of New York at Albany
  • A Scattering of Jades: Stories, Poems, and Prayers of the Aztecs , 1994 ( online at Books Google )
  • A War of Witches: A Journey Into the Underworld of the Contemporary Aztecs , 1995
    • The Witches ' War , 2001
  • The Way of the Curanderos: A Journey into the Spirit World of Mexico , 1997
  • Mad Jesus: The Final Testament of a Huichol Messiah from Northwest Mexico , 2004 ( online at Books Google )
  • The Dialogue of Earth and Sky: Dreams, Souls, Curing, and the Modern Aztec Underworld , 2004

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