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Tine or Tine Norske Meierier BA is a Norwegian food company that mainly produces dairy products. The main sales market is Norway; certain products are also exported. In 2014 the group had 5,463 employees and achieved a turnover of 21.5 billion NOK (approx. 2.3 billion euros).

Around 10,000 farms supply milk to 31 Norwegian Tine dairies .


Tine was 1928 Norske Meieriers Eksportlag founded in 1942 in Norske Meieriers Salgssentral renamed, operating since 1984 as Norske Meierier . The name Tine was registered as a trademark in 1992.


Until the mid-1990s, Tine dominated the domestic market as a kind of monopoly. With new foreign competitors, the variety of dairy products also grew to the benefit of consumers. Tine felt compelled to bring new products to market, today over 200 different ones are offered.


Diplom-Is has been advertising with the company mascot "Eskimonika" (from Eskimo and Monika ) since 1936 .

Diploma Is

The subsidiary Diplom-Is produces ice cream . Diplom-Is is a registered trademark and the market leader in the Norwegian market since production started. The market share is currently around 50%, 99.8% of Norwegians know the brand. The brand is also represented on the Swedish and Danish markets.

Production started in Oslo in August 1930 . Today there are factories at seven locations.


The Jarlsberg cheese brand has been represented on the German market since the 1970s .

See also

Norwegian butter crisis

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tine Annual Report 2014 (Norwegian)