Titular diocese of Rhizus

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Rhizus ( Italian : Rizonte ) is a titular bishopric of the Roman Catholic Church .

It goes back to an earlier bishop's seat in the ancient city of the same name (today Rize in Turkey ) in the Roman province of Cappadocia or in late antiquity Pontus Polemoniacus on the Black Sea coast . It belonged to the church province Neocaesarea in Ponto .

Titular Bishops of Rhizus
No. Surname Office from to
1 Henri de Lespinasse de Saune SJ November 22, 1899-30. August 1911 Coadjutor Apostolic Vicar of Central Madagascar , August 30, 1911–7. August 1929 Vicar Apostolic of Tananarive ( Madagascar ) November 22, 1899 August 7, 1929

See also

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