Titus Petronius Priscus

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Titus Petronius Priscus (full name form Titus Petronius Titi filius Aniensis Priscus ) was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 2nd century AD . Some stages of his career are known through an (incompletely preserved) inscription, which is dated 151/193. His career is in the inscription as cursus inversus , d. H. in descending order.

The military career of Priscus consisted of the usual Tres militiae for a member of the equestrian order . As prefect , he initially took over the management of an unknown cohort. He then became a tribune in the Legio VII Gemina Felix , which had its main camp in León . The third stage was the command as prefect of Ala II Pannoniorum , which was stationed in the province of Dacia Porolissensis .

Afterwards Priscus held civil posts in the administration. He was initially procurator annonae in Ostia ; this post was associated with an annual income of 60,000 sesterces . Subsequently he was procurator of the iron mines ( procurator ferrariarum ), probably those in Gaul; this post was linked to an annual income of 100,000 sesterces.

Priscus was inscribed in the Aniensis tribe . The inscription was erected in his honor by the inland navigation association ( lyntrarii ) in Ostia.


  • Hans-Georg Pflaum : Les carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le Haut-Empire Romain , Paris 1960, volume 1.


  1. The name and number of the cohort are not preserved in the inscription.

Individual evidence

  1. Inscription ( CIL 14, 4459 ).
  2. a b c Hans-Georg Pflaum : Les Carrières , pp. 558–559, no. 212.