Tivadar Batthyány

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Count Tivadar (Theodor) Batthyány de Németújvár (born February 23, 1859 in Zalaszentgrót , Zala county , † February 2, 1931 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian politician and minister.

Tivadar Batthyány 1911
Batthyány Castle in Zalaszentgrót


As the son of Zsigmond Batthyány, Tivadar was a member of the extensive Hungarian noble family Batthyány . He attended schools in Kalocsa and the Naval Academy in Fiume , where he graduated as a naval officer. In the following years he took on various tasks in the Hungarian naval administration in Fiume.

In 1892 Batthyány became a member of the Reichstag for the ruling Liberal Party and after 1904 as part of the left wing of the opposition Independence Party . During the Hungarian crisis in 1905/06 he was a member of the coalition's executive committee. In 1909 he was Vice President of the House of Representatives, in 1910 Deputy Chairman of the Independence Party.

In the middle of 1917 Batthyány acted for a few weeks as Minister a latere or Hungarian Minister at the royal court camp , who had to ensure the constant closest connection between the Viennese court and the ministries in Budapest. In 1918 he was Minister of Labor and Social Affairs. After the aster revolution he was Minister of the Interior in the Mihály Károlyi government from October 31, 1918 to December 12, 1918 , also after the defeat in the First World War. Before the Soviet revolution , Batthyány fled to Vienna, but after his return in 1921 no longer played an important political role.


  • For Hungary against Hohenzollern. Amalthea, Vienna 1930.

Individual evidence

  1. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae. Sectio historica. 6 (1982), p. 135.
  2. Keith Hitchins (ed.), Alexandru Vaida-Voevod: The nationality problem in Austria-Hungary. The reports of Alexander Vaida to Archduke Franz Ferdinand's chancellery. (= Studies on the History of Eastern Europe 18) Brill, Leiden 1974, ISBN 90-04-03923-6 , p. 29.