Tobias Vögeli

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Tobias Vögeli (born September 2, 1995 in Bern ) is a Swiss politician . He is co-president of the Young Green Liberals Switzerland , municipal council in Frauenkappelen and project manager glp lab .


Vögeli grew up as the youngest of nine children in Frauenkappelen (Bern) . He completed a commercial apprenticeship at the Police and Military Directorate of the Canton of Bern . After completing his apprenticeship, he worked in controlling . After completing his professional baccalaureate, he passed the passerelle exam in 2016 and has been studying law at the University of Bern since autumn 2016 .


In 2015, Vögeli was involved in founding the glp lab , where he works as a project manager for political education. Vögeli was a member of the student body of the University of Bern in the executive office from 2016 to 2019 , where he won a legal dispute against the university in court. He co-founded the Young Green Liberals of the Canton of Bern and was elected founding vice-president of jglp Bern on February 3, 2018. After his election to the national co-presidium of the jglp, he resigned from his position as Vice-President. At the community assembly on June 7, 2018, he was elected as the youngest community council member of Frauenkappelen and has since been responsible for the finance and real estate departments. In autumn 2018, Vögeli was elected as Co-President of the Young Green Liberals Switzerland. Since January 2019 he has also been a member of the management of GLP Switzerland .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Präsidumsmitglieder the party young grunliberale Switzerland
  2. Municipal council of the community of Frauenkappelen
  3. Team members of the glp lab party
  4. Stefan Schnyder: Law student gets right. Bern, of all things, the Faculty of Law loses in court. A student wins in the case of the exam in which some of the questions were known to the examinees. In: Berner Zeitung. October 1, 2018, accessed March 20, 2019 .
  5. ^ Young green liberals from the Canton of Bern found a party
  6. After the community assembly on June 7, 2018 elected Tobias Vögeli to the community council on July 1, 2018, the community council was constituted.