Todd nightjar

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Todd nightjar
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Swallow-like (Caprimulgiformes)
Family : Nightjar (Caprimulgidae)
Genre : Setopagis
Type : Todd nightjar
Scientific name
Setopagis heterura
( Todd , 1915)

The Todd Eight Schwalbe ( Setopagis heterura , Syn. Caprimulgus parvulus heterurus; Caprimulgus heterurus; Setopagis heterurus ) is a species from the family of Nightjars (Caprimulgidae).

It used to be conspecific with the Ecuadorian night swallow and until recently with the pygmy night swallow , but differs in its vocal sounds.

It occurs in Guyanas , Colombia and Venezuela .

Their distribution area includes the edges of deciduous forest , open, lightly tree-lined or bushy habitats up to 500 m, gallery forest , also occurs in city parks.


The toddler nightjar is 19–21 cm tall, greyish in color, although considerable color variations are possible. The tail is short, the wing tips almost reach the tip of the tail. The vertex in the male is gray, the throat white, in the female yellow-brown. Light to white narrow wing bands can be seen in flight.


The call of the male is described as an even, repeated at short intervals “pik-you, gobble-gobble-gobble” or as a “pip-pip” consisting of two tones.

Way of life

The food consists of insects that are caught flying up from the ground or a low stand branch.

The breeding season is between the end of October in Colombia, as far as known.

Hazardous situation

The toddler night swallow is considered not endangered ( Least Concern ).

Individual evidence

  1. Avibase
  2. a b c d Handbook of the Birds of the World
  3. ^ A b c M. McMullan: Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia Rey Naranjo Editores, 2018, ISBN 978-958-8969-77-0
  4. ^ IUCN Redlist

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