Toi invasion

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The Toi Invasion ( Japanese 刀 伊 の 入寇 , toi no nyūkō ) was the invasion of northern Kyūshū by Juryjah and Korean pirates in 1019 . Toi ( kor. , doe ) meant " barbarians " in Korean back then .

The Toi pirates came with about 50 ships from the direction of the Korean empire Goryeo and attacked the provinces of Iki , Tsushima and then the Hakata Bay on Kyushu. They used Noko Island ( 能 古 島 , noko no shima ) in the bay as a base, pillaged Japanese villages for a week, and kidnapped Japanese for use as slaves. At that time Fujiwara no Takaie served as the head of Dazaifu , the administrative center of Kyushu. He pulled soldiers together and drove out the pirates.

Some of the enemies were captured by the Japanese army in Matsura and all identified as Koreans. They testified that they were guarding the border area and that they were captured by the Toi. However, the Japanese officers suspected them because there were so many Korean pirates in the Silla period. A few months later, the emissary of Goryeos, Jeong Jaryang ( 鄭子良 ), reports that he attacked pirates from Goryeo off Wŏnsan and rescued about 260 Japanese. The two detailed accounts of two rescued women, Kura no Iwame and Tajihi no Akomi, have been preserved.

The Djürdschätischen pirates lived in the area of ​​today's North Korean Hamgyŏng-do . They regularly attacked the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. Ulleungdo , in particular , became uninhabited because of the constant attacks. The invasion of 1019 was one of those events.

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