Toni Zimmerer

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Toni Zimmerer ( June 10, 1877 in Munich - after 1927, born Anton Zimmerer ) was a German opera singer , theater and film actor during the silent film era .


His career began in Zurich in 1893, then in 1894 to Pettau, 1895 to Graz, 1898 to Prague, 1899 to Czernotiwtz, 1900 to St. Gallen and 1901 to Lübeck, where he mainly played amateur roles. 1904/05 appeared as Hamlet at the Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf .

Zimmerer and Goethe

Probably the oldest sound document of a Goethe poem, the ballad The Dance of Death , was spoken by Zimmerer and has been preserved on an Edison cylinder . This poem appeared on CD.

“Zimmerer is certainly not a prototypical speaker with regard to the use of quasi-vocal means. He makes continuous use of his speaking voice, which, however, is already very sonorous and penetrating (sometimes a bit throaty: "Nacht" 0'24, "-bracht" 0'29). With it he can articulate all vowels very evenly. "

- Matthias Nöther : Live as a citizen, speak as a demigod

Theatrical appearances

  • 1904/05: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (as Hamlet )



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Opera House (Cultural Office of the State Capital Düsseldorf)
  2. Goethe for the ears on
  3. Matthias Nöther: Live as a citizen, speak as a demigod in the Google book search