Tony Sender Prize

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The Tony Sender Prize has been awarded by the City of Frankfurt am Main since 1992. It is named after the trade unionist and journalist Tony Sender (1888–1964). The city wants to honor Tony Sender and give her a lasting memory. In Tony Sender's own words, she received her formative political impulses in Frankfurt and spent her decisive years of development.

In the new state, the German Republic, women are at least so far freed from previous lack of rights that the Social Democratic Party gave them the right to vote. And we women are the majority in the German people. It depends on us. You women and girls have the courage to be new, have the courage to be happy. "

- Tony Sender, 1928

With this award, the city honors individual women who have worked innovatively and in an outstanding manner for equality between women and men, against disadvantage and discrimination . Projects, institutions or associations in Frankfurt that have achieved something important in terms of women's politics on a Frankfurt issue in the cultural, social or socio-political area can also be awarded the Tony Sender Prize .

The Tony Sender Prize is awarded every two to three years by a jury appointed by the city's magistrate . It consists of an artistically designed certificate and is endowed with 10,000 euros.

Award winners


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