Torsten Leue

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Torsten Leue (born June 7, 1966 in Berlin ) is a German insurance manager. Since May 8, 2018, he has been CEO of Talanx AG in Hanover . He is also CEO of HDI VaG.


After graduating from high school, Torsten Leue completed an apprenticeship as a banker at Deutsche Bank from 1985 to 1987 . He then studied business administration in Berlin and Montpellier. From 1993 to 2010 Leue worked at Allianz in various positions, including from 1997 as a regional manager for Central and Eastern Europe. In 2004 he became CEO of Allianz Slovakia and most recently also President of the Slovak Insurance Association.

In September 2010, Torsten Leue joined Talanx AG in Hanover as a member of the Executive Board and, as Chairman of the Executive Board of Talanx International AG, took over the management of the international retail business. In this position he acquired and integrated the Polish insurer Warta into the Talanx Group. In 2017, Leue was given additional responsibility for Human Resources on the Talanx Executive Board.

In May 2018, Leue took over the position of CEO of Talanx AG from Herbert Haas , who moved to the top of the Supervisory Board. Leue is married and has three sons. He speaks five foreign languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and Slovak.

Web links

  • “I don't put everything on one card”, In: Handelsblatt, 7.2.2019
  • "We need a cultural development", In: Börsen-Zeitung, 13.8.2018

Individual evidence

  1. Talanx | Board. Retrieved June 30, 2020 .
  2. Torsten Leue's curriculum vitae. (PDF) Retrieved June 30, 2020 .
  3. Talanx | Talanx. Insurance. Finances. Retrieved June 30, 2020 .
  4. Talanx boss Leue on acquisitions: "I don't put everything on one card". Retrieved June 30, 2020 .
  5. "We need a cultural development" - article Retrieved June 30, 2020 .