Toto Toto

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Toto Toto (* 1961 in Magdeburg ) is a German set designer .

Toto studied with Volker Pfüller at the Berlin-Weißensee School of Art . After working as an assistant for a long time and providing individual equipment, he was hired as a freelance stage and costume designer at various theaters in predominantly German-speaking cities. For example, he was engaged at the Braunschweig State Theater, Cottbus State Theater and the Nuremberg Opera, the Württemberg State Opera Stuttgart and the State Theater on Gärtnerplatz in Munich. More recently, engagements have taken him to the Dortmund Opera, the Vienna Volksoper, the Weimar National Theater, the Berlin Volksbühne and the theaters in Bern and Dijon in Switzerland. Toto also worked at both the Bern University of Music and the UdK Berlin.

Toto was also active for the MDR and UNICEF . His designs and graphic works were exhibited in Berlin, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Magdeburg and Wernigerode.

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