Tram (magazine)

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Illustrated trade magazine for public transport in Switzerland
Tram: revue illustrée spécialisée dans les transports publics d'agglomération en Suisse

language German French
publishing company Publisher Endstation Ostring (CH)
First edition 2001
Frequency of publication quarterly
Editors-in-chief E. Jordanis (D), J. P. Coppex (F)
Web link

Tram magazine is a local transport magazine that has existed in its current form since 2001. In that year the magazine Tram , published since 1985 by Ernst B. Leutwiler, Ennenda, was sold to the simple society "Endstation Ostring", which had existed since November 1987. The partners of this company, Jean-Philippe Coppex, Geneva, and Eric Jordanis, Bern, published the magazine Endstation Ostring from 1987 to 2000 .

The magazine, which appears four times a year in February, May, August and November, contains the latest news on the subject of Swiss local transport in the areas of trams, trolleybuses, buses and S-Bahn. The reports on German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino are in German with a French-language summary, while those on Western Switzerland are in French with a German summary. The multi-page reports on current and historical topics are consistently written in two languages. Association announcements and an event calendar complete the content. The topic of model making is not addressed.

The magazine, which is 17 × 24 cm (B5), partially printed in color, has 64 to 80 pages and has a circulation of 2200 copies, about half of which is sold to subscribers and to Kiosk AG, which is owned by Valora . It is also available in a library in Bern, Geneva and Zurich.

In addition to the normal subscription, there is a special subscription for club members, namely for members of the Tramclub Basel (TCB), Tramverein Bern (TVB), Aktion pro Sächsitram (APS), Tramclub Freiburg (TCF), Swiss Bus Interest Group (IGBS) , Association of Friends of Swiss Narrow Gauge Railways (FSS) and the Association Neuchâteloise des Amis du Tramway (ANAT). The reduced subscription fee is set by these clubs and is only available together with club membership.


The name “Endstation Ostring” stands for one of the two end stations of the former line 5 of the Bern tram .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tram magazine , 2011 edition (accessed on November 2, 2011 and February 11, 2019)
  2. ^ Result of the ISSN search in the meta catalog of the Swiss libraries
  3. Association of Interest Group Bus Switzerland (accessed April 30, 2012)
  4. ^ Association Neuchâteloise des Amis du Tramway (accessed April 30, 2012)