Tramp (comic)

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Tramp is a Franco-Belgian comic series first published in 1993 by the writer Jean-Charles Kraehn and the illustrator Patrick Jusseaume .


The hero of the series is the Breton merchant navy officer Yann Calec, who is the captain of several tramp ships in the course of the plot and who experiences adventures on different continents. The series begins in 1949 when a shipowner wants to sink a ship for an insurance fraud and is looking for a manipulable captain. After adventures in Latin America, Calec is able to uncover the crime. The second story arc takes Calec to Africa, where he uncovered blackmail and diamond smuggling murders; the third to Southeast Asia, where he has to face his father's story.

Original volumes

  1. Le Piège , 1993, ISBN 2-205-04087-1
  2. Le Bras de fer , 1994, ISBN 2-205-04094-4
  3. Le Bateau assassiné , 1996, ISBN 2-205-04384-6
  4. Pour Hélène , 1999, ISBN 2-205-04579-2
  5. La Route de Pointe-Noire , 2001, ISBN 2-205-04856-2
  6. La Piste de Kibangou , 2003, ISBN 2-205-05203-9
  7. Escale dans le passé , 2005, ISBN 2-205-05525-9
  8. La sale Guerre , 2007, ISBN 978-2-205-05802-4
  9. Le Trésor du Tonkin , 2009, ISBN 978-2-205-06117-8
  10. Le Cargo maudit , 2012, ISBN 978-2-205-06512-1
  11. Avis de tempête , 2017, ISBN 978-2-205-07318-8

German-language publication

Volumes 1-3 were published from 1996 by Carlsen Verlag , Volume 4 in August 2000 by Phoenix Verlag (Michael Hug Verlag). In 2004 the series switched to the comicplus + publishing house , which also publishes the other volumes.


Copywriter Jean-Charles Kraehn , born in the Breton port of Saint-Malo , and draftsman Patrick Jusseaume , born in the Ivory Coast and moved to the port of Rouen (where the plot begins) at the age of 10 , designed the series together, also guided by childhood memories .

It is narrative as well as drawn in a realistic style. The first arc of the story is largely a snappy-critical parody of the comic series Tintin (Eng. Tim and Struppi ). A character similar to Tim is briefly shown as a corrupt captain. One of the hero's most striking opponents, a brutal murderer and rapist, is drawn closely from Tim's friend, Captain Haddock. A scientist who resembles Professor Blümlein tries to smuggle valuable archaeological treasures out of a Latin American country. In the third story arc, two cynical secret service agents appear who are brothers, who call each other Durand and refer to the characters Dupont et Dupond (Eng. Schulze and Schultze). In general, the series takes place in similar "exotic" locations (Latin American "banana republics", African colonies) and takes on elements of the plot (civil wars, crime stories). In several places, the series criticizes European racism, which many critics also accused of the Tintin series.

Individual evidence
