Transvaal snake lizard

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Transvaal snake lizard
Transvaal snake lizard

Transvaal snake lizard

Subordination : Scale lizards (Lepidosauria)
Superordinate : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
without rank: Scincomorpha (Scincoidea)
Family : Belt tails (Cordylidae)
Genre : Belted lizards ( Chamaesaura )
Type : Transvaal snake lizard
Scientific name
Chamaesaura aenea
( Fitzinger , 1843)

The Transvaal snake lizard ( Chamaesaura aenea ) is a 40 centimeter long species from the belt tail family . The length of the tail is about 30 centimeters.


These snake-like animals are colored brown on the belly. The flat, sloping top of the head is black. The back is also black and has a very thin brown stripe in the middle from the head to the end of the tail. The side of the body is also brown and has several thin black stripes running from the head to the tail. The legs are brown. There are 5 toes on each of the legs.


This species is only found in South Africa. The animals inhabit the grasslands there.

Way of life

The diurnal Transvaal snake lizard meanders very quickly through the grass, keeping its head and legs above the ground. It is fed by insects, spiders, worms and other invertebrates.


The offspring develop in leather-like eggs inside the female's body. These are only put down shortly before the fully developed young animals hatch. 2 to 4 offspring are born per litter. After hatching, the young are immediately independent.

Hazards and protective measures

This species is classified as Endangered ( Near Threatened ) by the IUCN . The reasons for this are the transformation of their living space into agricultural areas, human settlements and roads. In addition, fire caused by humans and the use of pesticides endanger the population. To protect the species, scientific studies are carried out on the requirements of these animals for their habitat, as well as population monitoring and planning for protection zones.


  • Philip Whitfield (ed.): The great world empire of the animals. Planet Media AG, Zug 1992, ISBN 3-8247-8614-1 , pp. 436, 437.

Web links

Commons : Transvallic snake lizard ( Chamaesaura aenea )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files